Warcraft III CD Key for 5 euros
Achoo, Aug 18 2013
Hey, I'm bored, willing to pay 5 euros for a WarIII CD Key, can send money on pokerstars.fr (french site). Send PM.
Life sucks
Achoo, Sep 06 2011
Period. Women are whores ... shame it took me so long to realize it, use them and ditch them ! Dat is all. Best drunk advice I ever gave in my life.
Quits finally
Achoo, May 19 2010
I noticed recently that poker affects my mood, when bad beats/suck outs/coolers suddenly happen over and over for no reasons, i get semi-tilted and overall in a bad mood for the whole day. It changes my attitude towards people and i just can't let that happen. It was a hobby for me and i do enjoy playing, but it doesnt worth it, even for the couple of k$ i make a year from this hobby.
So i'm out ! I'd rather do something else that earns me 0 bucks than get in an emotional rollercoaster for scratches... So i will either spend the last 3k left on my account on donkaments for the lulz OR withdraw and go on a nice trip with my friends. Option 2 seems the most ev+, probably will go for that. Anyways, good luck to everybody, won't visit this site anymore except for the ROFL thread. Tchussssss
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